12 Keys To Becoming An Intentional Leader Who Makes A Difference

In his book, Dr. William Attaway gleans from his own personal leadership experience as well as the experience of hundreds of leaders he has coached, and he shares 12 key principles that can help leaders TODAY, no matter where they are.

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"Go grab a copy of this book

and elevate your leadership!"

--Jonathan Milligan

Dr. Mike Watson

Senior Associate Pastor of Ministries, Second Baptist Church, Springfield, MO

“Catalytic Leadership is the result of decades of disciplined learning and execution. It is accessible and offers avenues of application for leaders of all varieties and scope. This volume necessarily bridges the spheres of conceptual leadership and the relentless daily grind of actually leading others and self. Dr. Attaway’s burden for humble leadership and organizations that are characterized by the same humility and clarity resonates throughout every chapter. The tenets found in these pages are tried, proven, and worthy of revisiting regularly.”

Dr. Dee Whitten

Executive Director,
Northstar Church Network

“William Attaway hit a ‘grand-slam home run’ with his new book, entitled Catalytic Leadership! There are many books on the topic of leadership these days, most of them striving to focus on one of the many, various aspects of this discipline. However, William takes on the very difficult task of providing a broader approach by describing the twelve keys to becoming an intentional leader that makes a difference. He hits this topic ‘out of the park,’ first of all, by carefully choosing twelve essential principles. Then, William examines each of these principles in a very practical, down-to-earth, easy-to- read fashion, weaving together the wisdom of a variety of the best leaders in the world. Every leader would benefit greatly from the strategic insights of this book.”

Kevin Skillin

U.S. Diplomat

“You will not find a more dedicated, passionate, and thorough student of leadership than William Attaway. Catalytic Leadership provides an invaluable resource for all leaders, regardless of experience or industry, whereby they can take a deep look within and unleash personal and organizational transformation. Acknowledging his own leadership journey and struggles, William invites the reader to come alongside as he deftly synthesizes some of the best and most innovative leadership principles in practice today. At a time when leaders in all arenas face intense scrutiny and skepticism, this book outlines a refreshingly humble yet bold prescription for leadership success. My personal to-do list got dramatically revamped by this work, and thankfully so.”

Rob Petrini

Executive Coach, Wilberforce Foundation
Senior Pastor, Hutt City Baptist Church,
New Zealand

“William Attaway’s Catalytic Leadership is a must for anyone who is intentional about developing and growing as a leader. This book is not abstract ideology. It is a comprehensive roadmap to help us understand what it takes to inspire those we are privileged to lead. To become agents who can provoke significant and powerful impact. To become catalytic leaders. This book crystalises what William has learned as a leader, working with real leaders in the real world. As one who has worked under William for a number of years, I have had the privilege of experiencing catalytic leadership in action. If your goal is to be a great leader, this is the book is for you.”

David A. Miles, Ph.D.

Founder | Principal, Dr. Dave Leadership Corporation

“Are you looking to grow yourself, your team, or your organization? If so, then this is the book for you. Dr. Attaway lays out a clear, concise, path to becoming a ‘catalytic leader’ in this book. I love the combination of the 12 Keys that he teaches that are both common-sense and practically based. Self-awareness, intentionality, self-leadership, and accountability are great for personal and professional development, but Dr. Attaway really encourages that for true growth being a ‘river not a reservoir’ – developing other leaders and passing along what you’ve learned. Couldn’t recommend this book highly enough if you are truly looking to grow and develop as a leader who wants to make positive change!”

Who Is William Attaway?

William is an Executive Coach, a pastor, an author, a speaker, and a podcaster. He has coached leaders in business (from small business solopreneuers to C-suite executives), government, education, the military, the church, and non-profit sector organizations, and is passionate about helping leaders INTENTIONALLY grow and thrive in all aspects of their life.

William has been married to his wife Charlotte for 25 years, and they have two daughters. He holds a Ph.D. in Old Testament (emphasis in Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology) and speaks frequently on leadership, mindset, communication, organizational change, and building up people and teams. With experience in both the business and non-profit sectors, he has served in local church ministry for over 26 years, and is currently the Lead Pastor of Southview Community Church, a church in Herndon, Virginia (near Washington, D.C.) where he has served since 2004.

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But Hey - Don't Take Our Word For It!

See What Others Are Saying About Catalytic Leadership:

Who Can Benefit From Catalytic Leadership?

It's For You If You Have or Want to Increase Your Influence In Any Context of Your Life, Including:

- Business (Corporate, Small Business, or Solopreneuer)

- Government

- Church

- Family

- Military

- Non-Profit

- Or If You Have a Dream and Want to Make a Difference

Here Are Just A Few Principles You'll Discover In This FREE Book:

Cultivating a Teachable Spirit

- The one Non-Negotiable of Catalytic Leadership
- The Power of Perpetual Optimism
- How To Avoid The Mediocrity Drift

Discover Your Wiring

- Why What You've Been Told About What A Leader Must Look Like Is Wrong
- How To Leverage YOUR Purposeful Design and Wiring for Leadership
- The Tragedy of Unrealized and Un-acted Upon Potential

Actively Pursue Intentional Growth

- The Power of The Right Questions for Learning
- The Gift of Disorientation and How It Can Accelerate Your Growth
- How You Can Achieve High Performance Leadership

Be Boldly Action-Oriented

- Why Leaders Want The Ball
- How Persistence Makes The Difference
- The Danger of Emotion-Based Decision-Making

Choose To Be Family-Focused

- Why Your Wheel of Life Feels So Bumpy
- Prioritizing What Matters Most
- Avoiding Regret

Evaluating Ruthlessly

- Why Evaluation Matters So Much
- How To Capture and Learn from Success and Failure
- Leadership Blind Spots and How To Discover Them

"So What's The Catch?"

I know there are some authors out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month. This isn't one of them.

I'm on a mission to help 5,000 leaders apply the principles of Catalytic Leadership by 2025. This book teaches these principles so you can begin to apply them immediately.

This free book is my way of saying thank you for being a part of the Catalytic Leadership family.I want to add as much value as possible to every leader I can.

This book is not just teasing content; you get all twelve key principles, with stories of how they have been applied and why they matter.

Are YOU Ready?

What if you could overcoming the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the significance and impact that you KNOW are possible?

What if you could take your leadership to the next level with an INTENTIONAL personal growth plan?

What if you could make a bigger difference in the lives of the people you lead, the mission you serve, and the bottom line you want to achieve?

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